Missing or Overdue Vessels

The mission of BoatWatch.org is to maintain a worldwide network of resources to aid mariners that are missing or overdue; have a boat stolen; or to whom urgent messages need to be relayed.

If you know anything about the vessels listed below, please contact us immediately!

BOLO for Large Door of Airplane Miami to Ft. Lauderdale

BOLO for Large Door of Airplane Miami to Ft. Lauderdale

Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks BOLO for Large Door of Airplane Miami to Ft. Lauderdale Boatwatch.org has received a Flotsam and Jetsam report from KLM Amsterdam, Holland and the Dutch Civil Aviation Authorities concerning a large air conditioning...

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BOLO for SV “Kehaar” Darwin Australia to Mexico

BOLO for SV “Kehaar” Darwin Australia to Mexico

Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks  A Bolo has been isssued for SV Kehaar with solo captain Kristian Larsen, age 68 years old, who has not been heard from since November 2023, when he was in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. The captain left Darwin, Australia in...

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